Cornwall Park - blossom

Day One…. Again.

I started this blog one year ago, to journal about my self care journey. I managed to post regularly for two weeks, then my life got busy and I forgot. And for the first time since then, I am okay with that.

My family and I are currently in lockdown – groceries are our only reason to leave the house. I am very thankful that we are all safe and together, and that my husband is able to work from home.

This year, I haven’t done all the projects I had planned to do, or read all the books I wanted to. And you know what? I’m okay with that. I’ve had lots of great family time together during this lockdown – baking together, watching movies together. Some people cope with lockdowns by getting busy, and it turns out, I prefer to relax. Quiet days, doing fun things with my family, and lots of talking and self discovery. I am closer to my husband that I’ve ever been, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

Every time I thought about how long it had been since I had posted to this blog, I would get anxious, and put myself down for slipping. But lately, when I’ve thought about that – I realised that was the opposite of what this blog was supposed to be about. Posting here was about self care and self discovery, not self hate. And once I figured that out, I felt like posting again.